about us
We believe our work and mission can be described in three words: Evolve, Serve, & Impact. As believers, we are constantly undergoing a process of evolution as our Christian faith shapes and forms us. This change should be demonstrated through our commitment to serving and doing constructive work that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ. We should develop into disciples of faithful work that are visible, tangible examples of the power of God. Through our worship, teaching, and preaching, our desire is that you would be a living representation of Jesus Christ in the world.

We are a family of believers inspired by the Word of God. Our mission is to teach God's word in enriching and thought provoking ways that help people evolve through the seasons of life. Our worship services are open to all seeking an authentic gospel experience. We truly believe that biblical literacy and practice are the gateway for changing perspective, habit, and ultimately accomplishing God's will for our lives.

The living legacy at Western Avenue Baptist Church is the Word of God that has challenged, encouraged, comforted, and uplifted our community for more than 100 years. Under the leadership of Pastor Jeremy D. Battle, we operate from a teaching and formation model; we believe that learning promotes growth and change, understanding allows us to love and live, and practice empowers us to serve and impact.

When we surrender to the sovereignty of God, we allow the power of Jesus Christ to save souls.
Our membership represents a diverse group of people, and we take great pride in this array of God's creation. We are an assembly of real people serving a real God in real time. Come join us!
Our membership represents a diverse group of people, and we take great pride in this array of God's creation. We are an assembly of real people serving a real God in real time. Come join us!