Mad At The Wrong Person (Exercising Discernment)

Feb 18, 2024    Pastor Jeremy D. Battle

In this sermon titled “Mad At The Wrong Person” from Numbers 22, Pastor Battle examines how, in life, we often become frustrated around our circumstances and, in turn, we get mad with the wrong person. In order to sort out our frustration, we must first discern God’s directions (Num 22:5-20). We must learn God’s directions for us, understanding that God’s directions outweigh our own. Secondly, we must cautiously discern disruptions. We must be careful to understand that often, God puts roadblocks in our way in order for us to change directions (Num 22:21-35). God often sends disruptions for a season of humility. Finally, we must ask God to open our eyes to see his plan (Num 22:31-35).