God, Keep Your Hands On Me (Pt. 2)

Aug 20, 2023    Min. Farris Blount III

In this next sermon from the book of Jonah (Jonah 2:1-10; 3:1-3) in the series titled “God, Keep Your Hands On Me,” Min. Farris Blount, III explores the reality that each of us make decisions at times that go against God’s will for our lives. When we make these choices, the question becomes - how do we get back on the right track with God? To do so, we must first call on the Lord (Jon. 2:1-2), recognizing that only God can redirect our steps after a wrong decision. We must also cling to a proper perspective of God (Jon. 2:3-6); we cannot allow our frustration, sadness, or anger at our situation lead us to make false declarations about our God. Finally, when God delivers us in spite of our choices, we must carry out our commitment to God (Jon. 2:8-10; 3:1-3) and realize that God expects something of us even as God saves us.