Lessons From The Prophets: Christian Stewardship

Oct 29, 2023    Pastor Jeremy D. Battle

In this next sermon in the “Lessons From The Prophets” series, Pastor Battle revisits the prophet Malachi who helps us understand how to practice effective Christian stewardship. We first start with a call to repentance - we ask God for forgiveness because we know that at some point in life, we have not treated God the way God should be treated (Mal. 3:6-7). We must also recognize our own mortality; we need to realize that we are not God and all that we have, are, and hope to be is because of God. When we accept this reality, it allows us to grow in Christian maturity, not giving God less than our best or giving to God out of guilt, but giving God what God rightly deserves (Mal 3:8). This recognition, in fact, is an invitation to trust God and step out on faith because we understand that God is the one in control and has the capacity to bless us - but we must try God in everything (Mal. 3:10). When we try God, we will see that God commands a blessing (Mal. 3:10-12). If we trust God, God will send blessings in our lives that will be a testimony to everyone of God’s power and promises.