The Power Of Forgiveness, Pt. 1

Nov 19, 2023    Pastor Jeremy D. Battle

In this sermon titled “The Power Of Forgiveness” from Jonah 4, Pastor Battle explores why offering forgiveness is something we must practice, despite how challenging it can be. Even though people offend us and do things that are not like God, it is both a discipline an act of faith to forgive. To understand the importance of forgiveness, we must realize that problems and conflict reveal the conditions of our hearts (vs. 1-3); some of the issues we encounter alert us to the things God still needs to work out in us. We must also learn how to address our anger (vs. 1-3). We will get angry, but we need to manage our anger in ways that do not lead us to violence and sin. Finally, we should give and show people the same grace, love, and compassion that we expect (vs. 4-11). Because God has forgiven us and extends us grace, we should do the same for others.